FlightLink Interface Cable - COM Radio 1
Interfaces FlightView with VHF COM radios using RS-232 remote control protocols. Compatible radios include:
- Garmin GTR-200 / 200b
- Garmin / Apollo / UPSAT SL-40 COM
- Garmin / Apollo / UPSAT SL-30 NAV-COM
- Val Avionics COM 2KR Remote COM
- MGL v16 Radio with Vega or Razor Control Head
- Radios with SL-30 or SL-40 RS232 interface
Note: This cable is not used with the Trig TY91 VHF COM - please order the "FlightLink Interface Cable - TY91 VHF COM" cable instead.
Note: This cable is only used with FlightView version 1 and 2 hardware (i.e. systems with the FDC labeled "FlightBox Pro"). It is not needed for systems with FDC v3 and later hardware.
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